Saturday, November 8, 2008

MIA and a lack of Halloween.

Hello faithful blog readers!

I know each of you were furiously checking my blog everyday, riddled with anxiety as to where the heck I was. ;) Okay, were you even a teeny bit curious?

Sadly, I've been pretty darn sick. What started out as a sore throat quickly turned into an ear infection, pharyngitis, an upper respiratory infection and hey, why not a little UTI for good measure? I've had my feel of sickness for awhile, thank you. (Hear that Universe? NO MORE!) Anyway, 2 antibiotics later and 1 prescription of bladder-numbing-meds (stop laughing) later, I think I can finally see the speck of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. On the bright side, I've had a great, blonde, 3 1/2 foot nurse to take care of me. She's really awesome when you need a plate full of about 32 marshmallows, OH! and she rocks at pouring Sprite! Unfortunately, she's not quite getting the "please-fetch-Mommy's-meds" thing, but hey, we take what we can get! ;-)

Speaking of sickness, moving on to Halloween. Poor Ella woke up with a fever :( As most of you know, with Ella's Periodic Fever Syndrome she usually gets sick at very specific intervals. So with her having her fever bout last month on the 22nd, I knew this month around Halloween we were on borrowed time. Sure enough, Halloween morning she crawled into my bed with 102. As upset as I was, Ella was INSISTING that Halloween was not canceled. She knew each and every 'event' we had planned for that day, and there was NO way in heck she was missing it. So, I rotated Tylenol and Motrin all day and she did really well :) The afternoon of Halloween we went to the square with some of Ella's buddies to trick-or-treat at all the businesses nearby. As we were getting ready to leave and I was getting all Ella's ladybug stuff situated, I was informed that she'd rather be the "Snow Princess" for this particular trick-or-treating. She has this beautiful dress up outfit and she chose that over her ladybug. The custom one. The one mommy poured over for weeks finding. LOL! So, off we went to the square. She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress and her tiara. Everyone just LOVED her dress and several strangers even took pictures of her! Of course my camera is on the blink so good thing Linda had her little point-and-shoot to get a few pictures of E. All the girls were pretty uninterested in pictures so excuse the quality ;)

As we waited at home for it to get dark ('cause really, what's the fun in TOT'ing in daylight?) I think Ella had JUST as much fun handing out candy as she did receiving it. Seriously. A couple times I had to bribe her just to stay on the porch as she was stalking the kids on the sidewalk :-X LOL. She finally put on her ladybug costume and off we went. She was really excited to invite our neighbor, Emma, with us. We got out the wagon, which we decorate as the "Halloween-mobile" every year and hit our neighborhood. I was very proud of her! She went to every house with the same enthusiastic "Trick-or-treat!!" followed by a genuine "thank you." I didn't even have to remind her :) A lot of houses in our neighborhood were NOT home so around 7:30 we decided to hit a neighborhood close to ours. We all piled in Emma's mom's SUV and I sat with the girls in the trunk (LOL) with the hatch open. At each house we'd jump out and then hitch a ride to the next house. Pretty sweet set-up :) Around 9:15 we had tons of candy and a tired little girl. After we did the annual ritual of dumping out all our candy on the living room floor and separating them into their individual piles.....we hit the sack. I'm waiting on my neighbor to send me the pictures that she took from Trick-or-treating.



Linda said...

Poor Ella Boo! She did look beautiful as the snow princess!

Guppie said...

Ella Bella and all the little girls looked precious!! I am so glad you overmedicated her and let her trick-or-treat, lol!